Swoft Designer
Specify complex software requirements for end-to-end development
Business Strategy
Customer Needs
Domain Discovery
Domain Designs
UX Designs
UI Designs
Feature Requirements
Product Specifications
Product Testing
What can you do with the Designer ?
The Designer is aimed at business teams as well as tech teams, from formulating the customer problem to implementing the solution. It can be separated from the other products in the suite.
Problem Space
Define business requirements and strategy
This stage involves defining business requirements and producing a business model canvas to clarify the company's objectives. It includes defining product concepts, drawing up the strategic roadmap and formulating the value proposition. These elements ensure a coherent vision, aligned with market needs, which will guide the development of the project.
Problem Space
Decipher customer needs
This step aims to identify and formulate the Jobs to be Done (JTBD), prioritizing those that are essential for the project. It also includes the creation of outcome statements related to the JTBD, which help clarify the expected results. A centralized access to customer knowledge is established, with the ability to import user interviews, notes, and external documents. This approach ensures a deep understanding of customer expectations, thereby facilitating the design of a product aligned with their real needs.
Problem Space
Discover the domain
This step is crucial for Domain-Driven Design, as it involves exploring and defining the key concepts of the domain. It includes managing the ubiquitous language glossary, business rules, and identifying domains and subdomains. An essential feature is the playground, which allows "business" profiles to model a first draft of the domain. This interactive space facilitates experimentation and visualization of concepts, ensuring a shared understanding between technical and business teams from the start of the project.
Design Space
Design the domain model
This stage transforms the ideas into a precise domain model, incorporating the key concepts of the project. You can import external databases to reshape and adapt the domain to your specific needs. The model can be structured in bounded contexts to clarify the boundaries between different parts of the system. What's more, you can go back to and refine the first draft created by the business teams during the domain discovery phase. Finally, this stage offers the possibility of generating a technical data model, ensuring total consistency between the business vision and the technical implementation of the project.
Design Space
Design the user experience
The aim of this stage is to create a user experience that is aligned with the needs and problems identified. You can go back to what has been problematised to ensure that the design is perfectly aligned with the issues at stake. By managing personas and their scenarios, you can keep the focus on the target users. Creating user journeys becomes simple and focused on solving the problems identified. What's more, the ability to simulate conversations between personas and the system means that optimised task flows can be designed, guaranteeing a fluid, intuitive user experience.
Design Space
Align the user interface with the domain, UX & functionality
This step creates pages, ensuring they are aligned with the domain, user experience (UX), and functionality. You can design pages intuitively, with the help of design tools. Importing mockups for different page states allows you to explore multiple visual options. Throughout the process, you can align the problem, domain, and solution to ensure that each page accurately reflects the project goals, providing complete consistency between visual design, user experience, and functional needs.
Design Space
Design the functional requirements of the product
This stage is dedicated to the creation of features that respond precisely to customer needs. You can specify each feature in the best possible way, ensuring that it is perfectly aligned with user expectations. Functionality formulation is facilitated, enabling features to be described clearly and effectively. What's more, the structuring of functional specifications follows industry best practice, guaranteeing complete and consistent documentation that facilitates communication between teams and ensures successful implementation of features.
Design & Solution Space
Make sure requirements are well defined & implemented
This stage is crucial for ensuring the consistency of deliverables throughout the design process. It includes reviewing the status of the design and specifications, checking that each element is aligned with the initial objectives. In addition, it enables the use cases implemented through the personas to be automatically verified through product testing, ensuring that the product works as expected. This verification ensures that the requirements are well defined and ready for successful implementation.
Solution Space
Manage product specifications
Cette étape permet de gérer les exigences du produit avec une grande souplesse, en tenant compte des changements qui peuvent survenir tout au long du projet. Le renommage des objets est facilité, permettant une adaptation rapide aux nouvelles informations ou décisions. Les exigences fonctionnelles peuvent être cyclées pour s'assurer qu'elles restent pertinentes et alignées sur l'évolution du projet. De plus, l'avancement des tâches est visualisé de manière claire, grâce à des intégrations qui permettent de suivre le progrès en temps réel. Cette flexibilité et cette transparence sont essentielles pour maintenir un haut niveau de qualité et de réactivité dans la gestion des exigences.
Solution Space
Configure product specifications (our second product in the suite !)
The specifications are ready to use, meeting the “Definition of Ready” criteria. They are configured in such a way that the configurator can implement them directly without additional adjustments. This careful preparation allows for a smooth transition to the implementation phase, ensuring efficient execution in line with defined expectations.
To go further...
The success of a complex application development project depends on an accurate analysis of user needs, efficient design, iterative development cycles and rigorous testing.
Cet idéal est rarement atteint. Trop souvent, les spécifications sont ambiguës, incomplètes et sujettes à des malentendus. Pire encore, elles ne sont pas présentées dans un format qui facilite la collaboration entre l'entreprise et les développeurs.
Swoft Designer has been designed to address these common problems, and in particular to :
Break down user needs using a Business Model Canvas and value proposition as a starting point
Encourage innovation through 'Jobs to be done'
Design complex business processes that are true to the business
Modelling coherent domains (DDD)
Creating a UX design that meets user expectations
Clearly communicate expected functionalities
Automatically test scenarios (including personae!)
Prepare all these specifications for Swoft Configurator & Framework